
Do I need a Seattle personal injury lawyer for a clear liability case with insurance?

Yes, these are actually the best times to get a Seattle personal injury lawyer for your case because of the benefits that you can receive. A Seattle personal injury lawyer will maximize the case value of your case, make sure you get the full treatment that you need, find ways to reduce the medical bills owed back at the end, and settle your case when you are ready and not on the insurance company’s time.

This is one of the biggest roles for a Seattle personal injury lawyer is to maximize case value and healing time for our injured clients. Without a lawyer some studies show that a person on their own only receives half the compensation they would have received had they hired a lawyer.

Not only does a Seattle personal injury lawyer maximize insurance coverage and case value, but can make sure you get the treatment you need to get back to normal. This is probably the biggest benefit because instead of having insurance companies hounding you to settle and pressuring you to stop treatment now, the insurance company will have to go through your lawyer and that is a brick wall – their pressure will stop there and not get through to you the client.

If you are injured in a Seattle car accident, call Andrew Cherin today at 2068506716 or email at [email protected].

Andrew CherinDo I need a Seattle personal injury lawyer for a clear liability case with insurance?