All posts tagged: Distracted Driving

Now Entering The Most Dangerous 100 Days for Driving

Contrary to popular belief and thought, Summer is actually the time when most people get into car accidents. In the summer time there are far more drivers on the road driving away for the weekend to lakes, mountains, and rivers to get away from the heat. In Seattle, many people drive east of the mountains in search of warmer weather, hiking, fishing, and camping.

Many people would think that winter is where most of the most dangerous car accidents occur because of the treacherous weather. However, summer months create more drivers on the road, more people drinking and driving, and faster speeds on the road due to clear conditions and people in a hurry to get out of traffic jams or across the mountains.

CNN wrote a news article about the 100 most dangerous days of driving for teen drivers. Their study found that in the years 2010 through 2014, over 5,000 people died in crashes involving teen drivers in the 100-day period following Memorial Day.

The article goes on to say that there are a number of reasons that teenagers are getting into more accidents during the summer months that include more passengers in their car and driving on roads that are unfamiliar to them.

Driving with other passengers increases during the summer months as teens often like to ride with friends to the lake, malls, or other locations in order to have fun during the massive amount of free time they now have on their hands with school out for the summer. Driving with passengers can be distracting for new drivers that aren’t familiar with all the street signs and aggressive driving of more experienced drivers. Teenagers in a car together can be loud or want loud music, cause distracting behaviors by telling the driver to look at their phone, and more.

Driving on unfamiliar roads increases in the summer months where teenagers were once used to driving to and from school and now are driving to the lake, mall, over the mountains, or to neighboring cities that they normally don’t travel to during the school months. Driving on unfamiliar roads can be a hazard to some teenagers that are impulsive fast drivers that want to get somewhere fast but don’t know about sharp turns or blind corners causing increase risks of car accidents.

Make sure your teenage drivers are driving responsibly and taking extra precautions to know the roads they are driving on and to keep passengers calm without getting distracted on the roads. Summer months are about having fun and hopefully not dealing with tragic car accident injury cases. If you are injured by a teenager driver in a car accident, give me a call for a free consultation on your personal injury case.

Andrew CherinNow Entering The Most Dangerous 100 Days for Driving
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Texting and Driving Car Accident Injury Cases: Why Seattle laws aren’t working

As a Seattle personal injury lawyer, I come across a lot of Seattle car accident injury victims and a lot of police reports. The most common reason that I come across for the cause of these car accident injury cases in the police report is distracted driving. It is hard to pinpoint which of these distracted driving cases are related to cell phone use or something else, but we can assume that most of them are due to technology distracting people in some way or another.

Distracted driving due to texting while driving or manipulating or reading a cellphone while driving is extremely under reported because of honesty of the victims. Let’s face it, not many people are willingly going to admit to a police officer that the cause of the car accident was that they were looking at their cell phone, which caused the car accident injury case. Most people are going to say that they either didn’t have enough time to stop because they looked at their radio or just didn’t leave enough space for the sudden stop of the vehicle in front of them. 

Tailgating is another one of the major causes of car accident injury cases in Seattle. Tailgating is dangerous but many people do it because they don’t want another car to squeak in between them and the car in front of them, especially during rush hour traffic. Couple this type of driving with distracted driving and the ever growing number of apps on our phones and you get a recipe for many car accidents. 

Seattle texting and driving laws are very lax due in large part to the specificity of the type of conduct that is illegal. The only thing that is outlawed as of this date is actually reading or texting a text message while driving. This means that people can text while their car is stopped and not moving. People can text at a stop light or stop sign. People can even search the internet or Facebook while driving because the only thing that is outlawed is texting while driving which is very strictly construed to literal text messaging. Text messaging does not include Facebook, email, internet, games, etc. I don’t understand how it doesn’t encompass all of these very similarly distracting means but it doesn’t. 

Due to the strict meaning of texting while driving laws in Seattle, Seattle police have a hard time enforcing this law. For this reason, we will continue to see Seattle drivers continue to text and drive with little or no ramification, save for getting in a car accident and severely injuring themselves or others. Additionally, there is no punitive damages for car accident injury cases so your Seattle personal injury lawyer cannot get punitive damages to further penalize texting while driving people to send a message that this is highly dangerous driving. 

Andrew CherinTexting and Driving Car Accident Injury Cases: Why Seattle laws aren’t working
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